John And Mira Go Dogpacking

For this weeks feature video we bring you the infamous John and Mira! If you're not familiar with these two they are on a world tour right now, and Mira, may just be the cutest dog in all the world.
Look at that face!
John has been training dogs for two decades and his experience shows. Mira is an incredibly well behaved and well trained pup who loves to come along for the adventure and actively be a part of it. During their travels you'll see peoples faces light up as they see the two approaching town. Frequently while John is inside markets getting food he'll come out to Mira receiving lots of love and treats from the local townsfolk.
The two have been on a journey to cycle the world and they have explored the Western US extensively, having ridden both the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route as well as the Western Wildlands Route, among others. John is pioneering "dogpacking" which admittedly takes a dog of a certain temperament and agility. I can't picture a better traveling companion.
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